The FiberLock is an automatic single-mode fiber coupling unit (2D fiber scanner) consisting of the control electronics and an active mirror.
The system is locking free-space laser beams to single-mode fibers. It simplifies the initial coupling, helps with optimizing the coupling efficiency and actively compensates for mechanical drifts.
- Fast scanning of the face of the fiber to facilitate the initial setup
- 3D display of the coupling efficiency
- Locking of the fiber coupling to maximum intensity
- Easy optimization due to the decoupling of degrees of freedom (beam position, beam angle, focus, …)
- Search and re-lock functionalities
- Locking of the intensity to a fixed value
- Compensation of all sources of intensity noise (the laser source, the fiber, …) by fast adjustment of the coupling efficiency
- Low voltage scanning mirror with large range (20 mrad), scan frequencies up to about 1kHz
- High voltage scanning mirror with medium range (2 mrad), scan frequencies up to about 5kHz
- Optional: photo diode pre-amplifier PDA-S