The CoSy system is a versatile tool for Doppler-free absorption saturation spectroscopy. This permits a generation of extremely precise defined wavelength standards, which can be used for highly precise stabilization of tunable lasers.
- The CoSy head contains the setup for the Doppler-free saturation spectroscopy. It is available with Cesium-, Rubidium- or Potassium cells (other cells on request)
- The CoSy head is controlled by the power supply and control electronics CoSyControl
Usually Doppler-free absorption saturation spectroscopy is achieved by using a relatively complex opto-mechanical setup. This setup has been integrated in the described small compact unit, together with the electronics needed for evaluation of the detected beams.
At the outputs a ‘Doppler-free absorption saturation spectrum’ is directly available and can be visualized on e.g. an oscilloscope. Thus, the used laser can be stabilized towards the detected atomic lines. This can be achieved for example with the stabilization electronics LaseLock →.
One easily achieves a long-term stability of the optical frequency below 1 MHz (corresponding to a relative stability of 10-9)